Happy Thoughts  

Posted by: Elle La Belle in , , ,

Just about to start meeting numero deux for our 350.org campaign. If you don’t know about 350, check out our FB group and the website, get with the program, and come join our movement to be planeteers! Thought I’d throw in a quick update before the meeting gets off to a start… First of all, would like to wish my PAPABEAR DADDYO a very very happy birthday!!! I love and miss you heaps and heaps… I hope that your special day is filled with lots of ice cream and presents :)))


Speaking of presents, I’ve found an outlet for all the stress I’ve had to deal with lately; ONLINE SHOPPING. Well not exactly. More like online window shopping. I’ve been indoors for 3 whole weeks now and since I can’t get out often, I use my resources and work with what I can. I'm not gonna lie to you, I've been feeling very deprived, and ladies, THIS ITCH NEEDS TO BE SCRATCHED! Since hitting the retail webbies, I’ve added two new things to my wish list. Ugh… I hate wanting.. I like getting. Who wants to buy for me? Early grad present? No? Too much? I NAK LA.

1. Call me old, call me slow, but I'm effing loving Coach's Bonnie collection! Its soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! I love how it says 'I wouldn't walk a block without my Cashin-Carry, especially down Madison Ave.'



2. COASTAL SCENTS SMACKS!!! ARGH. They are having a sale (ending in a few hours, GRR) but these babies will have to wait till next month. Or the following month. I want ALL 21 shades. I don't curr if they come in purple or whatever dracula shade, I want em all. SOMEONE BUY FOR MEEEEEEEEEE... [credits to Tiff!x]





Never Choo Late :)  

Posted by: Elle La Belle in , , , ,


My parents sent my sisters, Fique, and I some goodies through Pathee (muchos gracias 2nd cuzzy!) who flew in from Brunei yesterday. We got some Nescafes 3 in 1, Tronky, Sotong (haha, nice one ma!) and Cake batiks, just to name a few. In the box I also noticed a little pretty package wrapped in blue only to find out that my parents had snuck in a belated birthday present for me. I wish I had taken a pic before tearing the bajeezers out of it (it was a case of extreme excitement) but unfortunately, that’s exactly what I did. Inside was the Night Diamond compact from Dior’s make up collection, and boyeee do I LOVE it! I was telling my mom how it adds on perfectly to my make up collection. Not to mention, the casing is soooo pretty – so pretty that I’m even too scared to use it! The compact comes with its own Dior brush (ha ha! No spongies! Definitely a winner this one :p ) and both compact and brush have their own little black pouchies for protection. It’s so sparkly :) Thank you Muhmee. Thank you Daddy. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvve and miss you so much :( Muhmee has asked me to stick pics on my blog so here they are, as per request! 

P.S. Mind the ugly face and the messy hair. I’ve been in the surau everyday of my easter holiday doing work and well… this is my study look.

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Guess who I bumped into today!  

Posted by: Elle La Belle in ,


PEPE!!! When I saw pics of my sister and Pepe, and found out that S too, had met the kitty, I just had to go see this cuteness of a feline for myself!! And I didn’t even have to look very far. I found it sunbathing outside it’s house and (I) started shrieking. I didn’t even hesitate to play wit it. Sigh,  it was love at first sight :’) We had to walk away after the owner, who was having drinks at the pub across the street, walked to the sidewalk opposite his place, crossed his arms and stared glared at us for the longest time. Geez. The cutest thing was that the kitty trailed us from behind as we walked off to Starbucks! ARrrgggh. It was very hard to let go. But don’t worry Pepe. I’ll be back. Muahaha. 

Today is a good day. :)



Kitty Luv  

Posted by: Elle La Belle in , , ,

The holidays can be real borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring when you’ve got nothing planned. How I wish I was in New York (or some fabulous European city like… Paris or Amsterdam—anywhere but here) instead of bumming at home like a…hermit. Booooooohoooooooooooohooooooooo :( I gots to snap out of lazy mode. I’ve got my final 3 assignments to complete before the end of the break and then my final exams- sigh. All I've been doing is stuffing myself with food to keep myself entertained and yesterday was no exception. Stopped by Pizza Hut for their Happy Hour special and had a whole (personal) pizza to myself and boyeee, did it hit all the right spots! YUMMO.


When I got home Afiq had ready a surprise for me! I was expecting new Teefa pics/vids, but I was shocked to find out that yes, they were baby pics, but not the human kind, lol. These are 3 out of the 4 kittens Manis gave birth to! Aren’t they CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE. I am a big cat lover and since he’s shown me these pics I’ve been thinking of ways to kidnap these cute little furballs. I want I want I want! GRR. There was a fourth kitten but unfortunately it didn’t make it & died :( These three are absolute beauties though. If I ever get another cat, it’ll be named Pucci (pronounced Poo-chee). I’ve never met these little ones but I love them already :( The last one looks like my very first cat Cooty when she was just 2months old.




MAC'd Out  

Posted by: Elle La Belle

 Image206   My baby has arrived!!! I have been trying to get a hold of the limited Hello Image205 Kitty Mac brush set (sold out everrrrrrrrywhere) since March and now it’s finally mine mine mine! :) It features 3 of MAC’s most popular brushes; the 187, the 109 and the 239. It’s just absolute cuteness, and I love the Hello Kitty head brush holder! Now I have a place to store my other new Benefit and MAC brushes (hehe I love hue…). My brush collection is still small but I'm hoping it will grow in the next few months to come *blush*. I made a trip to Harvy Nicks Friday afternoon to check out the launching of Mac’s SugarSweet collection with my sister and her boyfrayn. We were a little disappointed with the whole event - it was just not happening at IMG_0805 all. The only cool thing about the launch was the pretty black ballerina/cupcake lady. They painted her arms and legs in eyeshadows from the collection but even that wasn't all that great. I really wanted to take a picture with her but they didn't look very approachable so I was kinda put off by that. They should really learn a thing or two from the friendlier half naked man kitty dolls -- cos they were awesome. So overall, it was just alright. The collection itself is not that special.. oh and these products are not limited edition, so aside from their really cute and yummy names, there really is no reason to go crazy. The only thing I got was the mineralize skin finish in Perfect Topping which I'm quite happy with. I'm glad I didn't get anymore than that. I'm more happy about my new brushes than anything, heehee :) Anyhoots. If you've been to my sister's site, you would've already seen these pics, but anyway here they are.

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U Know U Went to an International School when…  

Posted by: Elle La Belle

This is so true!!! Especially the ones I highlighted in bold—lmao! >,<

1) You can't answer the question: "Where are you from?"
2) You speak two (or more) languages but can't spell in any of them.
3) You flew before you could walk.
4) You have a passport, but no driver's license.
5) You run into someone you know at every airport
6) You have a time zone map next to your telephone.
7) Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..." five times (or six, or seven times...).
8) You speak with authority on the quality of airline travel.
9) National Geographic (OR THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) makes you homesick.
10) You read the international section before the comics.
11) You live at school, work in the tropics, and go home for vacation.
12) You don't know where home is.
13) You sort your friends by continent.
14) Your second major is in a foreign language you already speak.
15) You realize it really is a small world, after all.
16) You feel that multiple passports would be appropriate.
17) You watch a movie set in a 'foreign country', and you know what the nationals are really saying into the camera.
18) Rain on a tile patio - or a corrugated metal roof - is one of the most wonderful sounds in the world.
19) You haggle with the checkout clerk for a lower price.
20) Your wardrobe can only handle two seasons: wet and dry.
21) Your high school memories include those days that school was canceled due to tear gas, riots, demonstrations, or bomb threats.
22) You get back to the states and serously cannot remember the currency exchange
23) You think VISA is a document stamped in your passport, and not a plastic card you carry in your wallet.
24) You automatically take off your shoes as soon as you get home.
25) Your dorm room/apartment/living room looks a little like a museum with all the "exotic" things you have around.
26) Half of your phone calls are unintelligible to those around you.
27) You go to Pizza Hut or Wendy's and you wonder why there's no chili sauce.
28) You know the geography of the rest of the world, but you don't know the geography of your own country.

29) You have best friends in 5 different countries.
30) It takes 24 hours to reach home in a plane
31) You can only call your parents at 8am and 8pm
32) You never really use a seatbelt
33) School trips meant going to a different country
34) Your high school football team had to play against itself.. if it had one
35) When you were in middle school you could walk into a bar and order a drink without being questioned
36) You got sick a lot and often had food poisoning
37) It wasn't unusual to find a lizard or cockroach in your house
38) You got to go home twice a year ...thats if you're lucky
39) Home almost felt like a museum
40) You are a pro packer, or at least have done it many times
41) Living out of a suitcase, you find, has it pros
42) You bump into your old teachers all the time
43) Family photos you sent every year took months to arrive and often were in front of some exotic statue or endangered animal no one has heard of
44) Your check from your parents takes a month to reach you
45) Talking to your school office and getting signatures from your parents is a week-long event
46) When you return to the States you are overwhelmed with the number of choices in a grocery store ( I stood by the chocolate syrup for about 20 min. because there was a whole row)
47) You literally have real friends (not facebook friends) from different schools all over the nation on your friends list
48) Everyone had a 'staff'; maid, house cleaner, driver and babysitter
49) Most of the 1st graders have cell phones
50) You get excited when a relative sends a video tape of regular TV with commercials.. its in ENGLISH!
51) There was only one grocery store.. usually at the embassy that resembled the ones at home.
52) Once you get home you miss your adopted home and visa versa
53) You are never content in one place, be it city, state or country for long. You're a mover.
54) You never had a job until you reached college
55) Blackouts are quite common, yet after a while no one seemed to notice and sometimes you would find yourself doing homework to the light of your phone or flashlight
56) Class reunions.. are not at your old school.. not even close
57) Police, imported from a different country, guard your school...carrying machine guns
58) you know everyone else in this group, because he/she went to school with one of your friends
59) Your passport has more stamps than a post office
60) When the power cuts out and you sit there wondering when the generator is going to kick on... only then you realize there is no generator
61) When you carry converters because you actually realize there are different types of outlets
62) When people give you funny looks because you are a gold or platinum elite member of your airlines
63) When you constantly feel like you have to catch up with TV programs, actors and other people or songs you are not familiar with
64) You don't think its strange that you haven't talked to your best friend in a couple years, but you know you will always have a unique bond
65) You wake up in one country thinking you are in another
66) You don't feel at home at home anymore
67) When a friend talks about their dreams of traveling to across the world to a secluded country and you can give them all the best restaurants and places to visit. You're like the traveler guidebook.
68) You don't even bother to change your watch when traveling
69) You hate subtitles because you know there is someone that can make an accurate translation.. you!
70) When you have little or no contact with he locals but are best friends with people across the globe
71) When you think everyone else is a foreigner in a county foreign to you
72) When something unusual happens and it just doesn't seem to phase you as being something unordinary
73) When you speak many broken languages at once when you are drunk
74) When your friends take you to an 'ethnic' restaurant as a joke and you can read the menu, order food for them and actually stomach the meal
75) When you start introducing yourself followed by your country of origin....
76) Your yearbooks are all different; made of fabrics known to that area and have stuff like elephants on them. Its your favorite keepsake.

77) Famous people like Uma Thurman went to your school and you had no idea until you researched (AES)
78)You have to change your passport because it's full... not because it's expired... and this several times during your school years
79)Paying a cop is not considered a bribe
80)You've dated people from other countries
81)You start to keep your experiences overseas to yourself because people look at you as though you are spoiled for having the opportunity to indulge in a new culture.. sad
82) You are afraid to go back to visit your school because you know no one will be there that you used to know, they all moved
83) You have the opportunity to intern at your Embassy/Commission over summer without qualifications
84) When you have free accommodation in any city you travel to around the world because some friend from the old days lives there!
85) You're scared of going 'home' because you haven't been there in so long, and changed so much, that you think people might not like you anymore
87) You have more than one driver's license, none of which are valid at home, that, or in college, you still can't drive!
88) You always have to think which side of the road to drive on
89) When you greet someone you start bowing or kissing them on both cheeks.
90) When you you and your siblings know different languages or at least studied different ones